Wednesday 7 September 2016


(Paragraphs 25-32)

Translate the following paragraphs into English.
     Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was born in Makkah. His father's name was Abdullah. His grandfather brought him up. When he was twenty five years old, he married Hazrat Khadeeja (RA). When he was forty years old, he said, "I am a prophet of Allah." Listen to me. Allah is one. Worship Him.
     In the old day, a merchant lived in Kabul. He had a son. The merchant's son was fond of getting education from his childhood. The father made him get education with utmost care. He sent him to good teachers. He made him get education in good institutions and provided him with good books. As a result, by the time he was young, he had become expert in most of the branches of knowledge of the age. When the king heard of the fame of his knowledge, he was very happy. The king made the merchant's son his minister and began to take his advice to do every thing. 
    It is our house. I was only five years old when the father bought this house. I have been living in this house for ten years. Our family is very large but this house is very small. The father says that he would sell this house and buy a big one in Gulberg. But I do not want to leave this house. I love this house. 
     Amjad was still a child when his father died. He became an orphan. His uncle brought him in his house. The uncle had no son. He brought him up as his son. Amjad passed his M.A. examination and got a good job. His uncle had become old by this time. Amjad served his uncle as his father. The uncle made Amjad his son-in-law. Amjad became the member of his uncle's family then. 
     Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (RA) who was a close companion of the Rasool (SAW). She was the wife of the Rasool (SAW). She lived in a small room. It was just a simple room with a low roof. Hazrat Ayesha (RA) did the household task herself. Her life was simple. She was very intelligent and knew a lot about Islam. 
     Once a crow found a piece of meat. He sat on the branch of a tree. In the meantime, a vixen happened to come there. The vixen said to herself, "I should get the piece from the crow." Nearing the crow, she said, "I have heard that you can sing well. Your voice is very melodious. I want to enjoy your song. Would you do me a favour of letting me hear your song?" The crow was happy with this. 
     It is a picture of our village. There are lush green fields outside the village. Now it is summer. The sun is shining brightly. There lie wheat fields just in front of the village. There is a great hustle and bustle in the wheat fields. The young, the old, men and women are working there together. The crop is ripe. The villagers will harvest and take their crop to the city. There are many things worth-seeing in our village. We are happy in the village. We will make our village beautiful. 
     Hazrat Ali (RA) was the son of the Holy Prophet's (SAW) uncle. The name of the Holy Prophet's (SAW) uncle was Abu Talib. Abu Talib was not a rich man. Hazrat Ali (RA) lived with the Holy Prophet (SAW). He became Muslim at the age of nine. He fought in many battles and killed many infidels. He became Caliph after the death of Hazrat Uaman (RA). He was the fourth Caliph. The Holy Prophet (SAW) married his daughter to him. Hazrat Ali (RA) was a brave man and a scholar. He loved the Holy Prophet (SAW) very much. 

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