Monday 5 September 2016



Answer the following questions.
(i) How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?
Ans. Newspaper does not require us to sit at a place and read the news. Busy people may read the newspaper anytime of the day. They may choose to omit certain aspects of the news that they are not interested in. Thus newspaper is a more convenient medium of news. 
(ii) How does a viewer get restricted while watching TV news?
Ans. Television requires its viewer to be at a certain place and at a certain time in order to watch and listen to the news.  The viewer cannot choose which piece of news he wishes to skip. Thus the viewer gets restricted while watching TV news. 
(iii) In what way viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper?
Ans. Viewing news on TV requires little effort and a little skill of language because everything is visual and auditory. In comparison, the reader of a newspaper needs to be proficient in the language in order to understand it better. Thus viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper. 
(iv) How does television make us lazy?
Ans. We view the news or any other programme at television without any effort. Watching too much television slows down our body's metabolism because we spend so much time with a numb mind doing nothing. Thus television, more than anything else, makes us lazy. 
(v) How do newspapers give us more in-depth coverage?
Ans. Although television can give us the most updated news and visuals, newspapers can give us more in-depth coverage. Editorials and column writers can give us their expert views and analysis that we can digest slowly as we read them. 
(vi) Why do some people read more than one newspapers?
Ans. Some people opt to read more than one newspaper a day so as to;
(i) Get different viewpoints of the news
(ii) Check the validity of the news
(vii) How can readers give feedback to the newspaper articles?
Ans. Feedback is the information or statements of opinion about something for its improvement. The readers can give feedback to the newspaper articles by getting their writings published in the public or open forum. 
(viii) Which medium do you prefer for news? Why?
Ans. I prefer newspapers for news because they are convenient. They can be read at any time and at any place. Uninterested aspects of the news can be skipped easily. Moreover, newspapers give more in-depth coverage. 


  1. Perhaps all these experiences were never made by any of the daily in the NWFP and that is why people started relying on Mashriq. It courageously published the articles and social features, which were immediately absorbed by the public. It gives wide coverage to the news of almost all the varieties. song bai uy tin

  2. I want chapter,s box questions answer

  3. These note are so much helpful for students of class 10 👌
