Saturday 3 September 2016



Answer the following questions.
(i) How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life?
Ans. People can achieve perfection in their moral, spiritual and social areas of life by seeking light, instructions and guidance from the Rasool's (SAW) message and life. They should make the Rasool (SAW) their role model to secure the highest level of prestige in every field of life. 
(ii) How did the Rasool (SAW) set high and noble ideals for all mankind?
Ans. The Rasool (SAW) set high and noble ideals for all mankind through his practical examples by following the commandments of Allah. Not only in spirituality and morals but also in trade, business, state affairs and warfare he set perfect and noble examples.
(iii) How were the people of Makkah convinced of the Rasool's (SAW) justice even before his Nabuwat?
Ans. As a young trader, the Rasool (SAW) earned the good reputation of being an honest, fair and just business man. He (SAW) advised the most equitable plan for the setting of the Black Stone. So the people of Makkah were convinced of the Rasool's  (SAW) justice even before his Nabuwat.
(iv) What standards of justice did the Rasool (SAW) practice as head of the state of Madinah?
Ans. As head of the state of Madinah, the Rasool (SAW) practiced very high standards of justice. He (SAW) decided all cases on merit with justice and equity, irrespective of colour, creed, or race. He did not even exempt the Quraish woman who was found guilty of stealing.
(v) Why did Quraish think that the Rasool (SAW) would favour them?
Ans. Quraish thought that the Rasool (SAW) would favour them because he (SAW) himself was the member of the Quraish family. Moreover, they thought that Hazrat Usama bin Zaid (RA) was closed enough to the Rasool (SAW) to make an appeal on behalf of that guilty woman.
(vi) What made non-Muslims bring their suits to the Rasool (SAW)?
Ans. The Rasool (SAW) was well-known for his justice. He (SAW) decided all cases on merit with justice and equity, irrespective of colour, creed, race or religion. Therefore, the non-Muslims brought their suits to the Rasool (SAW) for decision.
(vii) What advice did the Rasool (SAW) give to Hazrat Ali (RA)?
Ans. The Rasool (SAW) said to Hazrat Ali (RA), "When two men come to you for judgment, never decide in favour of one without hearing the arguments of the other; it is then most likely that you will know the truth."
(viii) How does the Quran describe the personality of the Rasool (SAW)?
Ans. The Holy Quran describes the personality of the Rasool (SAW) as: "Indeed in the Rasool of Allah (Muhammad SAW), you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much." (33:21)

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