Wednesday 7 September 2016



1. Translate the following paragraphs into English.
     There is a garden in front of my house. There are many plants and trees in it. There bloom flowers of many colours in spring. Their fragrance spreads all around. In the evening, the garden is filled with men, women and children. People promenade here and there and enjoy themselves. Children run around in the garden. Now they are here and at the next moment, they are in the other corner of the garden. I also go to the garden for a walk on every evening. Many gardeners look after the garden.  
    In the ups and downs of life, there come such moments when a man totally loses his hope. He becomes pessimist and his power to compete disappears. This is against the dignity of man. All the progress the world has made is the result of the determination and perseverance that Allah Almighty has bestowed upon man. Man should never lose heart; rather he should face his failures in a manly manner. Surely, Allah Almighty will bless with him success one day. 
     Once upon a time, a jackal lived near the bank of a river. There were many fields of melons on the other side of the river. The river was deep and wide. The jackal wanted to eat his fill. He could not cross the river. One day, he said to his friend, a camel, "I shall be very thankful to you if you take me to the other bank of the river." The camel agreed. The jackal jumped onto the back of the camel. The camel waded across the river and reached the other bank. The jackal went into the fields of melons and began to eat melons with relish. 
     It is feared that the world will run out of oil in a few years. Every country is trying to discover more reserves of oil. It is not yet known how much fruit this effort will bring. The need is that we should reduce our needs of oil. The consumption of oil for industry and agriculture cannot be reduced. However, the private needs can be cut down. We should import buses instead of cars so that the facility of buses for the students can be improved. 
     I study in class 10. The school in which I study is a famous school of the city. Four teachers teach my class. They all are able teachers. But I like Mr. Zaid the most. He teaches us English and Mathematics. His method of teaching is so good that what he teaches we learn it then and there. Therefore, his class shows hundred percent results. 
     There was a miser. Once his purse was lost. There were one hundred rupees in the purse. He announced, "I shall give ten rupees to the one who finds my purse and brings it to me." One day, a farmer came with his purse. The miser looked into the purse. It contained the same one hundred rupees. When the farmer demanded his reward, the miser said, "There were one hundred and ten rupees in my purse. Now there are only one hundred rupees in it. You have already taken ten rupees."
     Anarkali is the busiest bazaar of Lahore. It is always thronged with people. The shops remain open till late at night. Here you can buy things of almost every kind. Some people come here to buy things but many people come here just for the fun of it. There are many vendors in Anarkali. They sell buttons, laces, needles, clips and the other things of this kind. Some pickpockets also come into Anarkali. You should beware of these pickpockets if you go to Anarkali.
     It is our moral duty to respect our parents. They take much care of us. They give us food. They give us clothes. They provide us with all the things that we need. They send us to school so that we may serve them after getting education. It will bring us comfort. 

Translate the following paragraphs into English.
     Once two friends set out on a journey. They promised to help each other in trouble. They reached a jungle. They saw a bear coming towards them. One of them ran and climbed up a tree. His friend could not climb up the tree. He lay down and held his breath. 
     Before coming to the city, we lived in a village. We were very happy in the village. We got up early in the morning. After doing ablution, we offered the prayers and then went to the lush green fields for a walk. In the afternoon, we slept in the shade of trees. A stream flowed near the village. Its water was clean and cold. 
     Once a crow was thirsty. He flew from one place to the other but could find no water. At last, he reached a garden. There he saw a pitcher of water. He became very happy. He looked into the pitcher. the water was so low that his beak could not reach it. The crow was clever. He hit upon a plan. 
     More than two hundred and fifty years ago, a boy lived in a small town of Germany. His name was George Fredrick Handle. His father was a famous doctor. One day, the old doctor said to his son, "George, you will enjoy fame one day. You may be a doctor or a judge." George replied, "I want to be neither a doctor nor a judge. I want to devote my life to music." And one day he was really a great musician. 
     Karachi is a beautiful and important city. Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan. It stands on the shore of the Arabian Sea. Here the climate is temperate. Land breeze and sea breeze keep on blowing here. Once Karachi was the capital of Pakistan. It is a sea port. Our trade with other countries is done through this port. Our dear leader Quaid-e-Azam was born in Karachi. His tomb also stands in this city. The people who visit Karachi, offer "Fateha" at Quaid-e-Azam's tomb.
     Atomic energy can be used for the benefit of man. It can also be used to destroy the world. Atomic energy can produce electricity for us. There is a power station in Karachi. Now-a-days, there are chances that the electricity produced by atomic energy would be cheap. We should use atomic energy only for peaceful purposes. 
     Anwar is my best friend. His father is a teacher. He is a very pious and honest man. Anwar lives near our house. His house is very good and beautiful. We go to school together. In the evening, I go to his house. We study together. He always gets a first in the exams. He wears neat and clean clothes. 
     Milk is a perfect diet. It is sweet and delicious. Its colour is white. We get milk mostly from cows and buffaloes. Milk makes us healthy and strong. We also make curd, butter and cheese from it. Milk is a very useful diet for children and patients. Milk should always be used after being boiled. 

Translate the following paragraphs into English.
     The lion is a powerful animal. It gives a dangerous look. It has long hair (mane) on its neck. It is found in the jungles of Africa and Asia. It lives in caves. It is called the king of jungle. It is a great enemy of man. But the hunters steal its cubs. They train them and make them perform in circus. 
     A young man was sitting in a garden. He was a bit worried. After sometime, an old man entered the garden. He gave the young man a letter. The young man opened the letter and read it. He was very happy to read the letter. The signs of his worry vanished. He thanked the old man. 
     Lahore is an old and historical city. It stands on the bank of the River Ravi. It is the capital of the province, the Punjab. There are many historical buildings in this city. Badshahi Masjid is one of the greatest mosques of the world. The tomb of Allama Iqbal is also situated near Shahi Masjid. Iqbal gave us the idea of Pakistan. The Resolution of Pakistan was passed in Lahore. Minar-e-Pakistan was built as a memorial to this Resolution. It was built in Iqbal Park. 
     Allahdin lived in Beijing, a city in China. His father worked as a tailor. He was a very hardworking man. Allahdin was still a young child when his father died. Allahdin and his mother lived a very poor life. Allahdin was very lazy. He played the whole day in streets and did nothing. However, he was strong and powerful physically. 
     We saw many animals in the zoo. We had never seen these animals before. We all were very happy. My younger brother was particularly happy. He began to jump with joy when he saw a peacock. He said to the father, "Father, can you buy me a peacock? It is a very beautiful animal." The father told that those peacocks were not for sale.  
     My mother loves me very much. She always takes care of my health. She cooks such food as I like. But she stops me from overeating. She gives me fine clothes. She is against costly clothes. She teaches me books regularly. I am a bit weak in English. Therefore, she has arranged a tutor for me. She lays stress on me to study daily. 
     Aurangzaib was a very good-natured and God-fearing king. He used to get up early in the morning and worship Allah. During his reign, he had issued orders to get up early in the morning, worship Allah and do good deeds so that the whole day might pass in peace. He himself used to hold his court with the sunrise. He listened to the appeals of the poor, the needy and the oppressed. He treated them with love. He asked them about their well-being with heed and fulfilled their wishes. 
     The young man had come to assassinate Quaid-e-Azam. When he observed that no one was present around, he took a knife out quickly. He rushed towards Quaid-e-Azam. Allah Almighty has gifted Quaid-e-Azam with great wisdom and courage. He held out his long arm and gripped the hand of the murderer tightly. He called out his private secretary. The criminal was arrested. All the people saw that Quaid-e-Azam was a brave man. 

Translate the following paragraphs into English.
     Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was born in Makkah. His father's name was Abdullah. His grandfather brought him up. When he was twenty five years old, he married Hazrat Khadeeja (RA). When he was forty years old, he said, "I am a prophet of Allah." Listen to me. Allah is one. Worship Him.
     In the old day, a merchant lived in Kabul. He had a son. The merchant's son was fond of getting education from his childhood. The father made him get education with utmost care. He sent him to good teachers. He made him get education in good institutions and provided him with good books. As a result, by the time he was young, he had become expert in most of the branches of knowledge of the age. When the king heard of the fame of his knowledge, he was very happy. The king made the merchant's son his minister and began to take his advice to do every thing. 
    It is our house. I was only five years old when the father bought this house. I have been living in this house for ten years. Our family is very large but this house is very small. The father says that he would sell this house and buy a big one in Gulberg. But I do not want to leave this house. I love this house. 
     Amjad was still a child when his father died. He became an orphan. His uncle brought him in his house. The uncle had no son. He brought him up as his son. Amjad passed his M.A. examination and got a good job. His uncle had become old by this time. Amjad served his uncle as his father. The uncle made Amjad his son-in-law. Amjad became the member of his uncle's family then. 
     Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (RA) who was a close companion of the Rasool (SAW). She was the wife of the Rasool (SAW). She lived in a small room. It was just a simple room with a low roof. Hazrat Ayesha (RA) did the household task herself. Her life was simple. She was very intelligent and knew a lot about Islam. 
     Once a crow found a piece of meat. He sat on the branch of a tree. In the meantime, a vixen happened to come there. The vixen said to herself, "I should get the piece from the crow." Nearing the crow, she said, "I have heard that you can sing well. Your voice is very melodious. I want to enjoy your song. Would you do me a favour of letting me hear your song?" The crow was happy with this. 
     It is a picture of our village. There are lush green fields outside the village. Now it is summer. The sun is shining brightly. There lie wheat fields just in front of the village. There is a great hustle and bustle in the wheat fields. The young, the old, men and women are working there together. The crop is ripe. The villagers will harvest and take their crop to the city. There are many things worth-seeing in our village. We are happy in the village. We will make our village beautiful. 
     Hazrat Ali (RA) was the son of the Holy Prophet's (SAW) uncle. The name of the Holy Prophet's (SAW) uncle was Abu Talib. Abu Talib was not a rich man. Hazrat Ali (RA) lived with the Holy Prophet (SAW). He became Muslim at the age of nine. He fought in many battles and killed many infidels. He became Caliph after the death of Hazrat Uaman (RA). He was the fourth Caliph. The Holy Prophet (SAW) married his daughter to him. Hazrat Ali (RA) was a brave man and a scholar. He loved the Holy Prophet (SAW) very much. 

Translate the following paragraphs into English.
     Man shapes his destiny himself. He should work hard and do his duties with devotion so that he may succeed in his life. Hard work is the greatest reality of the world which cannot be denied. If we look into the past, we will come to know that all the great men of the past did their work with hardihood and courage and bettered their lot. Abraham Lincoln was a president of America. If we study his life, we will come to know that he was the son of a woodcutter. But he was fond of getting education. 
     Madina is a holy city of Arabia. It is about three hundred miles away from Makkah. Cars cover this distance in four to five hours. Madina is the city of the Holy Prophet (SAW). There are many mosques here; but Masjid-e-Nabwi is the most famous of all. The shrine of the Holy Prophet (SAW) lies in this mosque. One lakh Muslims can offer their prayers here. There are many hotels in Madina. Old buildings also stand there. 
     I saw the lion from the distance. He was sitting in the bushes. The lion did not see us. I said to my companion, "You should sit here quiet, I go near the lion." After this, I began to advance slowly towards the lion. If I had made a litter noise, he would have run away. At last, I reached near him. I could see him clearly in the leaves. He had not seen me yet. I raised the gun very carefully. 
     A friend of Chaudry Aslam came to see him after a long time. He felt that chaudry looked sad. He asked, "Chaudry Sahib, what is the matter? Why do you remain sad?"
Chaudry: There is nothing particular.
Ayoob: If there is nothing particular, there must be some common problem. Why are you restless?
Chaudry: Who is at peace with himself in the world? There is peace neither during the day not at night.
Ayoob: The world does not agree with you. It is man's cowardice that makes him hopeless.
     It was a winter night. We were asleep. All of a sudden, someone knocked at the door. My father and I woke up. We thought there might be a thief. Therefore, we took the gun and reached the door. My father asked, "Who is at the door?" There came the reply, "I am a poor hungry man." We opened the door. We took him inside and gave him something to eat. He thanked us and went away. 
     Education is free up to the middle classes now. Now the children of the poor will also be able to get education. The government of Pakistan has taken the schools and colleges under its control. Everyone in the country will enjoy equal rights. The government will give scholarships to the intelligent children. They will be able to get education in high-ranking educational institutions. We will build a new powerful Pakistan. We should struggle for the development of the country. 
     Aabi was my childhood friend. We played and got education together. Then, after I had passed my intermediate examination, I was married. I with my husband went to England. I did not get any news of Aabi whether she got further education or was married. When I returned to homeland after five years, I, one day, suddenly, ran across Aabi's elder sister in the bazaar. Tears wetted hers eyes when I asked her about Aabi impatiently. My house was nearby. I took her with me so that she might tell me something about Aabi in a relaxed mood. 
     The president has stressed upon the writers, poets, intellectuals, thinkers and scholars  to help the government, through their literary works, in making the country an Islamic welfare state. The president was addressing a big gathering of poets and writers in the introductory ceremony of a book, yesterday. 


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