Tuesday 20 March 2018




Q.1. (a) Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles. (05)
(i) She __________ English now. (speaks, speak, is speaking, was speaking)
(ii) They __________ hockey at that time. (has played, shall be playing, are playing, was playing)
(iii) He __________ newspaper for living. (sell, will sold, sold, has been selling)
(iv) She __________ to school an hour ago. (go, gone, went, going)
(v) I __________ the letter. (has already posted, have already post, have already posted, will already posted) 
(b) Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles. (04) 
(vi) verious, various, virious, vireous
(vii) luxury, lexury, laxury, luxery
(viii) servey, sarvey, survay, servey
(ix) fartile, firtile, fertile, furtile
(c) Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles. (05) 
(x) The synonym of "foe" is: (relative, enemy, friend, partner)
(xi) The synonym of "firm" is: (expensive, powerful, persistent, base)
(xii) The antonym of "abandon" is: (support, discard, desert, honest)
(xiii) The word "convenient" means: (easy, good, difficult, right)
(xiv) The comforts of books defy time, the break borders. The underlined word means: (consider as same, be problem for somebody, openly resist something, crucial)
(d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles. (05)
(xv) Ali was impressed _____ Sarmad's grades. (with, by, from, of)
(xvi) Our job is to keep the audience happy. The underlined word is a/an _____ noun.
(xvii) Last summer, we _____ many places. (visited, had visited, visit, have visited)
(xviii) Didn't you see the sign? You _____ drive at more than 30 miles an hour. (must not, should not, may not, cannot)
(xix) You _____ find Lubna in the garden, but I doubt it. (can, must, might, did)

2. Answer any FIVE of the following questions. (10)
(i) How does the Quran describe the personality of the Rasool (SAW)?
(ii) What do the little red envelops filled with money symbolize?
(iii) How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?
(iv) Why did the old man hurl a stone at the camel?
(v) What is meant by the "right profession"?
(vi) What changed Pip's life?
(vii) What should your first aid kit consist of?
(viii) What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for?
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite into simple English the following paragraph. (08)
     Once a field has been selected, the next step is to enter that particular field. Which degrees, certifications, courses and subjects should be opted for? A student should also consult successful students and professionals of that particular field.
4. Write a summary of the poem "Peace" written by Dr. Hartmann. (05)
Paraphrase the following lines into simple English with reference to the context.
'Tis a lesson you should heed .....
Try again:
If at first you don't succeed,
Try again.
5. Write an essay of 150-200 words on any ONE of the following topics. (15)
(i) My House
(ii) A Cricket Match
(iii) My Favourite Book
Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on any ONE of the following topics.
(i) Fashions
(ii) My Neighbour
(iii) A House on Fire
6. Change any FIVE of the following sentences into indirect form. (05)
(i) My brother said to me, "You have missed the point completely."
(ii) He said, "Do you agree with me?"
(iii) The boy said, "What do you want me to do?"
(iv) The doctor said to the patient, "Take complete rest and follow my direction."
(v) Roshana said, "Let us finish our work first."
(vi) She said, "May you prosper!"
(vii) She will say, "He did not come up to my expectations."
(viii) He said, "What a pity you missed that function!"
7. Use any FIVE of the following pairs of words in you own sentences. (05)
(i) Accept, Except
(ii) Flour, Floor
(iii) Gate, Gait
(iv) Ice, Snow
(v) Prophet, Profit
(vi) Quiet, Quite
(vii) Story, Storey
(viii) Weak, Week
8. Translate the following paragraph into English. (08)
Exclusively for candidates whose Medium of Examination is English. 
(Question -8 Alternative to Urdu Translation)
8. Write TEN sentences about "Libraries". 

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